The coffee consumes my ashes, the mug keeps me in my comfort.
I do Dash At The Night and Wakusei Project
I do draws and OCs.
I hope we could be friends.
Please add me to collabs, i love them...

Ashley Luna @Solito



squidward community college


Joined on 11/26/19

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Aesthetics Collab

Posted by Solito - December 1st, 2024


I honestly don't know how to put the collab announcement aside like the rest of the newgrounds collabs, sorry not sorry.



By internet aesthetics I don't just mean aesthetics like Webcore, Enawave or Dreamcore that use digital stuff, but even fashion styles like Emo, Punk, and other things registered on Aesthetics wiki!

The goal is that by using a topic as general as aesthetics, there is a good variety of styles, and that the artist experiments and uses their creativity to the maximum with something like a concrete topic!

What you will have to draw is according to the aesthetic you chose, an avatar, original character, fan character, person or something of your own in full body, and with details of the aesthetic

For example, if you chose 2010s internet you could put references to the old internet

if you chose dreamcore you could put liminal text next to your oc and indie kid clothes

if you chose emo you could make your oc with an emo style and even the art style!


The collab will be made public when all artists finish, however, the deadline will be February 2nd, after this date no more drawings will be accepted

Registration will always be open, but it would be a bit silly to register on January 30th or something like that


YOU CANNOT MAKE NSFW OR EXCESSIVE GORE ART, the maximum range will be teen T, I will not accept art that would easily fall into M or A!

You can use light blood and small wounds or things like bandages, weapons and unhappy facial features, just don't make it too grotesque

very similar with the clothes that your oc wears, especially on female characters

I WOULD APPRECIATE if you don't upload your drawing before the collab is published, I understand if you're proud of it and if you do I really won't do anything about it, but I would really prefer it to stay there until everyone finishes, once the collab is published by me, of course you can publish your drawing individually without any problem

this is basic but it is necessary to say it... NO AI, NO TRACING, NO RECOLOR, NO TRACE, NO STEAL, BE A CLEAN ARTIST!!!

There is a discord server, basically my usual one, this IS NOT MANDATORY and you can participate in the collab without the need to enter!! It's just so you can have more details like the aesthetics already taken, how many artists finished, news about the collab, progress, and even socialize, however, this is completely VOLUNTARY and if you don't want to join, that's your right, if you do want to join, here's the server!


Once you read all that and the blacklist at the end, just let me know you want to be in, give me at least three aesthetics just in case, since the aesthetic you want is probably already claimed!

If any of your options are still free, I'll let you know, keep in mind that I'll go one person at a time to avoid 1 on 1 problems..

Once you know that you're practically in!

There are many ways to let me know you want to enter

- Almost Instant

DM or comment on Instagram: it's usually the first thing I check, so I'll answer you in a matter of seconds to hours, depending on what time you catch me

Discord: I'll be very attentive to Discord and Gmail, as they are the best places where you can send me your drawings!

- Very soon

Newgrounds: here hello! comment on this post or send me a message and I'll see it, clearly when you upload it here I'll be aware, but since I'm not a popular artist I don't usually take relevance to seeing Newgrounds every day at all hours, so time is much more fickle than on ig

- Unlikely

X or Tiktok, I don't usually use them almost at all, and when I do I don't pay attention to the notifications, it could even take days to see that you wanted to participate, sorry!

- Don't do it.

any other social network that I haven't mentioned, if I didn't it's because I don't use it!


You can do it by Newgrounds message, Discord or Gmail

Newgrounds is the one you are looking at right now, of course!

Discord is @ AshesMug

and Gmail is imsolitohelp@gmail.com !


As I said, the age range must not exceed T and if it is possible Everyone E much better! Therefore the following aesthetics CANNOT BE USED BY ANY ARTIST since they touch on sensitive subjects, are explicitly grotesque, or simply should not be here!

Babygirl, Dead Inside, E-Bunny, ElsaGate, EroKawa, FemFurry, Futago, Hatecore, Lolicore, Motivecore, Pin-up, Pornocore, Yandere


See you these days, ask all your questions without shame or fear! I don't bite lol

I will answer everything kindly even if it's "silly", good luck getting your favorite beauty salon!





No femboys?

"femboy" is not an aesthetic and should not be considered one, although if you want to use a male character with feminine clothing that's fine!



@Solito I was mostly joking, but it is on the wiki. Don't see why there would be much of an issue with it though as long as it is kept T or under.

Mainly because it is a "slur" term and could be offensive, and because the community was doing sexual things that were not very pleasant and not at pleasant ages
but it should be noted that I have no problem with trans people!

In short, it is to avoid internal problems in the collab and not affect any artist without knowledge about it haha

@Quest @Solito I am _not_ an expert, but to the best of my knowledge, Femboy is no a slur - _unless_ you refer to a trans women as "Femboy". (You might be thinking of "Trap", which is a word that maliciously implies that the person in question "tricked" somebody.)

"Originally, the term [Femboy] was used as a pejorative against non-masculine men but has since been reappropriated, although it may still be used as a slur against trans women."
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femboy#Definitions

@Tyhond, also refers to 'himself' as "Femboy".

Behold Blacklistcore, things that exist do not exist. I therefore do not exist-


@Tyhond I was literally going to tag you, HAHAHA

@Quest XD I mean someone already mentioned me Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

@Yatsufusa @Solito I've also never seen the word "femboy" used as a slur, even as someone part of that larger community (and as someone you might call an expert in recieving slurs). That's why I was so confused. I feel like your experience with oversexualization is a stereotype and not a good representation of femboys as a whole. Trans people are often highly sexualized too. Literally any topic can be sexualized or have sexual themes. There's plently of items from the aesthetics wiki that you didn't list with much more sexualized themes than femboys. I didn't feel like arguing this earlier as I probably won't have time for this collab. If any artist is "affected by it" then that is quite frankly their problem. They shouldn't be a bigot. Also what do you mean by internal problems? I feel like if an item is not sexualized, depicts adults, and kept at a T-rating or under for everything, I don't see why femboys would ever be a problem.

@Quest I pretty sure the only part of the internet that uses "femboy" as a slur would be twitter. The only time someone use a slur against me was on Newgrounds call me an F-word cause Femboy often associated with being "Gay" lol

But wait, how could this me? (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥) Is it possible to have a slur against a word that is a slur?

Anyways, not a big deal, their collab, their rules. They can make whatever rules they want although it's already been 13 days since they posted and the talk of "Femboy" and not actually joining is a bit of a bummer :(

@Quest @Solito On the topic of oversexualization I'd like to state, even though I described Tyhond as a one-femboy-welcome-committee in the past I have never visualized him with a skirt and pom-poms or something fetish-y like that. To me, all of that stuff* is more just a part of people's 'identity'.

I might have a different view on this than most people, though. When talking to people online... And get 'this': People who will never even 'meet you in person' in their entire life... When said online people are male and suspect you are coded female, they will suddenly act in a way that I can only describe as "crotch-focused". As a bisexual, who some seemingly think are horny 24/7, I find the whole gender-/'crotch situation'-bit to be more of a footnote. If I like a developer, or an animator, or a reviewer, my opinion of them isn't suddenly going to change based on what bits of theirs could rub on what bits of mine.

@Tyhond One more thing we can rightfully blame Twitter/"X" for... (It would be funny if it wasn't sad...)

What a debate I've created haha, my apologies!

honestly all this came from having met a friend years ago who told me that the term "femboy" is a slur, and i wanted to avoid problems between artists and drama, ironically what I just did by blacklisting him

thanks for your words, I will reconsider the aesthetic and if any of you want to use it without it being offensive or over sexualized by me there is no problem! I also regret my ignorance for having banned it without having investigated well!

@Yatsufusa @Tyhond @Quest

off topic, you can still register if you want, there are still many free spaces lol

No need for apologies. From my point of view we all had a very adult and calm talk about this. (I even bookmarked this for personal reference.)

@Solito @Tyhond @Quest


Promoting this collab since not a lot of people know about it! :) Hope this collab becomes successful1


@Solito If I have to jump in and add my two cents, “femboy” is a really contextual word considering that it’s used as both a genuine gender identity label (it’s gender presentation, like butch or femme) and a porn category (most of which is made by guys who don’t use the gender identity.) It also sometimes gets used by those types of cis guys to sexualize trans people. But again, some folks do genuinely use it as a label for their gender expression, and most of the ones I’ve met are more interested in the gender presentation (like @Tyhond’s cute outfits he puts his sona in) than the sexual role. I could go on a long rant about the gender politics and war of the sexes shit that has contributed to cis-het men getting off to the idea of a feminine woman as a reaction to women’s rights movements.

So the word isn’t bad in itself, it’s just the usage and intent.

And just like he promised, Tyhond brought me here, lol. I wish I could join, but I don’t do collabs these days because random people like to beef with me over random things (in case you can’t already tell from my gender politics ramble), so I’ll just work on promoting the collab as well.

Is I able to use a space aesthetician in this?

Of course! Spacecore is a real thing and it's still available if you want it. :D

@Solito thanks you

Can I join, I suck, but I'm working on it. Also, my art I physical, I would have to send you the image and we would have to digitalize it

There are aesthetics inspired more by traditional art like craftcore or doodlecore, even if you want to use another aesthetic but keep it traditional it's perfect! I love seeing thousands of varied and unique styles :D

@Solito thanks, I will make the art on whatever theme you tell me, just pm me, and I will draw it

I just searched up what doodle core is, and I think that I can do that

All yours!

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